Camping With The Troop

Camping With The Troop

Camping with the Troop

We spent the weekend camping with Troop 8. I am working with our Senior Webelos and preparing them to transition from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts. Boy Scouts is completely different than Cub Scouts and I think they are all excited for it. One of the big opportunities for them will be doing things on their own. Parents at the Troop level do not do as much as they do at the Pack level. In Cub Scouts we do everything from setting up tents, making dinner, tending the fire, and cleaning up. Boy Scouts do all of those things themselves, for better or for worse, while the parents stay off to the side. The Senior Patrol Leaders are the head scouts who keep their eye on everything while their assistant manage smaller tasks and activities. It is a great leadership development program and the kids I see do scouting are incredibly prepared for the future to be independent in my opinion. I am really excited to start this journey with Ted.

The camp spot was a private farm in Burlington, KY. Evidently the old Scoutmaster owned the property and let the scouts camp there often. One of the scouts in that troop, now well grown with adult children of his own, purchased the property. He graciously lets the scouts use it so they have a little place they can get away and camp for free. There is a covered shelter and outhouse. There is a good size field that can be used to throw footballs and frisbees. This place is pretty awesome. There are some incredibly beautiful places in Kentucky if you can find a way to see them.

Camping With The Troop
Camping With The Troop
Camping With The Troop
Camping With The Troop