Cub Scout Halloween Party, Halloween, Election Day
Cub Scout Halloween Party
This is one of our best parties of the year and it went off terrifically. Everyone had fun. The games were well thought out and appreciated by the youth. I’d say all kids dressed up and many parents. My son Ted won the “scariest costume” again, which is his third year in a row. I am glad to be part of this event. I enjoy seeing the joy of these children and it makes me feel like I am doing something right with my life. I also dressed up too and created the center piece of the event with one of my mannequins from my haunted garage. I also supplied the music. The Bears den is responsible for organizing the event and creating the game and they did a great job. I am glad to see them continue this tradition for us.
I love this holiday. Every year my haunted garage takes an upgrade. I love when people stop by and take their photos in front of it. Some children tell me they look forward to it every year. Parents tell me they appreciate me doing it for their children. I would love to add more to the experience for them and I have a few ideas to add to it. We had a great turnout also and I went through all of my candy (about $350 worth). I’ve thought about making hot dogs but I’ve not gone that far yet as I tend to need to keep my eye on my decorations and give out candy. Some kids as you may guess take advantage of the chaos and smoke to take things a little far and I have to keep them out of going into the garage or playing with the fog machines. Maybe I will add a little safety fence next year, that would help tremendously. An access door on the other side of the garage would help also.
Election Day
I am like everyone else that I am glad this election season is over. I will not go into who I think should win in this blog. I no longer take a strong stance in politics as I used to anymore. I feel both sides have their positive and negatives. I also think there’s a lot of manipulation going on with both sides and their media partners. I will say the outcome surprised me but didn’t surprise me. I tend to think the American people know what is best, but I also think they have surprisingly short memories. It is interesting in politics what influences the people’s attitudes about candidates. On one hand some politicians are nearly bullet proof whereas others are denounced for trivial reasons (think Howard Dean’s “yargh” moment). People seem to think most of it anymore is a joke and they just lean into it (people dressing up in trash bags, cat memes). It kind of seems like a big joke. But, I am going to take a few positives out of the outcomes for what I hope may come about.