Violin Recital, Cub Scout Community Day, Dining Out, Basketball Season
Violin Recital
Ted is playing the violin and I think he’s going to continue doing it. He got up in front of everybody and played with great confidence. He is learning about effort and how practice can build confidence. Leading up to the event he was doubtful and nervous, but sometimes a little too confident that he would do well despite not being able to get all the way through his piece. He continued working on it though and he was very good. We went out afterwards and celebrated with ice cream.
Cub Scout Community Day
We went to a nice lady’s house in town and cleaned up the entire yard. Most of managing this type of project with scouts is to let them do the most work you can and have the parents work around them. We gave the scouts a portion of the yard to clean up and then the parents did the hard stuff. We had plenty of tools so work went well. The woman was very thankful and we took a nice picture with her. We found this job through a charity that helps older people stay in their home by doing basic house maintenance for them. This was a great event and I hope we get to do it again next year.
Dining Out
I’m just mentioning this outing because I’m starting to write more about food. We ate at a local Mexican restaurant that we like. I ordered my favorite, which are carnitas with roasted jalapenos. It is my favorite meal to order at a Mexican restaurant and they have a good option. There isn’t much to eat around where we live so I enjoy it. I’m not going to go too much into it because I’m going to write more about it on a separate page attached to my home page.
Basketball Season
The end of a successful basketball season as the team went undefeated! I guess it is hard to lose when one of your players is a head taller and can score 12 points a game and block everything in his path. Ben did learn a lot with a great coach and he played some hardcore defense. He needs some work handling the ball and shooting. He was a little embarrassed because he struggles getting the ball to the hoop but he’ll have another year to learn. Luckily we have access to Silverlake and I can work on his skills with him to prepare for next season. He did tell me he wants to improve so I will help him with what I can.