Self Study Update November 2024
Most of my work this month involved working through Udemy’s “Complete Agile Scrum Master Certification Training”. This is a training course to prepare one to take the PSM – Professional Scrum Master Certification. This is the Ken Schwaber affiliated certification. I chose it because I’m tired of hearing the term scrum thrown about without really knowing what it entails. Scrum and DevOps were two industry related terms that came up after I graduated with my degree in Business Informatics, so I feel I had some catching up to do.
As of this point we’ve gone through the Product Backlog, the Sprint Backlog, and the Increment. Roles we’ve reviewed include the Product Owner, the Scrum Master, and the Developers that make up the Scrum Team. We’ve reviewed empiricism and the various values and pillars of the framework that make it operate. I’ve never worked in a Scrum environment, at least how it should be practiced, but I know enough so that it all makes sense. I would like to know the deeper specifics, like the day to day and the monitoring, which is coming up next.
I continued reading through “T-SQL Fundamentals” by Itzik Ben Gan. I’ve learned a lot of SQL the last six years and this book is filling in some holes and adding context to items I had to learn the hard way. One pathway it did send me on is a deep dive into Windowing, which I really wish I knew earlier. There were scenarios I came across I had to make unnecessary workarounds to accomplish that if I understood how windows worked would’ve saved me much consternation.
Finally, I did go down a path on learning PowerScript on a course in A Cloud Guru but I abandoned that and turned my attention back to Python. I was trying to do some automation stuff and ChatGPT recommended some PowerScript scripts which took me there. However, I didn’t see the point of doing it without trying Python first. That led me into reading some more of Python book.
December will be wrapping up some stuff and starting on Python in more detail. I think I’m going to work on some Power BI courses to sit for an exam so I can start on a data analytics pathway.