Merit Badge Challenge, Cincinnati Zoo, Agave and Rye
Merit Badge Challenge
We now have an official pre-teen in that we purchased a line for my son. When we upgraded our iPhones I gave Ted my old iPhone. He’s used it at home mostly on wi-fi, like you would an iPod. Now that Ted will be going on more independent adventures with the Scouts we needed a way to keep in touch with him. I remember at that age when I did things I had the option of using a payphone if need be, but I can’t even tell where one is anywhere in the area. Since we are at the first Merit Badge Challenge, where technically I shouldn’t even be because I’m not an instructor, I decided to give him his phone line now for a test run. We got our phone numbers put in and did a text message. I have learned since then he texts his mom (my wife) pretty regularly, asking her questions about stuff, or complaining about me.
Merit Badge challenge is his first chance to do some classroom stuff to get started on a few merit badges. He did not like the idea of sitting in class on a Saturday but what he will learn will be helpful. I am trying to teach him independence, but for that he needs to understand basic safety when he’s on his own. To me all of this is cool, it’s just something to learn. To him it is something that is taking him away from a day of Minecraft. I will most likely lose the “Battle of the Screens” but I am going to make a valiant effort to forestall its victory until he’s a little older.
Cincinnati Zoo
I needed to get out of the house so we did our monthly visit to Cincinnati Zoo. The best time to go to the Zoo is actually this time of year. Yes, it is cold and some animals are either inside in their habitats or not on exhibit, but some are and they are having fun. If you can get to the Zoo on that sunny day in the winter when the animals have been cooped up for a month you will see them be very active. In the winter especially, the apes will want to interact with you. The zookeepers say the animals actually miss seeing human beings and the Zoo gets very few visitors in the winter months.
Agave and Rye
We stopped in and grabbed a nice lunch during our weekend getaway. We’ve been wanting to eat here for awhile. Located in Covington, KY it is right off Madison and directly across from where we married. We had a wonderful lunch. I thoroughly enjoyed my tacos. I’m abstaining from alcohol right now (six months in) but I am considering coming here after I break my fast this October for our anniversary and have a nice mixed drink or glass of bourbon.
First Scout Meeting Without Ted
I attended my first Cub Scout meeting without Ted. It’s been six years of me lugging in a cart of snacks and art supplies to teach 14 little ones. That time in my life is over now and I am not sure how to feel about it. A part of me is relieved, it is a lot of work putting together a program for young ones. Another part of misses it, not having a purpose when I show up to these things and not being in charge of my little Den, or even a leadership role at the Pack anymore.