Morning Swim, Promotion, Catch Up
Morning Swim
I started morning swims and it’s really become a routine I’ve been able to lean on. I tend to go on Tuesdays and Thursdays and I am adding another swim on Sunday. I usually swim an hour and put in 2000 m. It’s been wonderful for my cardio. I tend to just freestyle my way through it while wearing a swimming snorkel. My routine consists of starting my swim at 5:30, finishing at 6:30, then getting into the warm therapy pool and stretching my back. I then take a nice hot shower to get the chlorine off and then back home. I’ve had to purchase a swimming cap because my hair has grown so long and keeps getting tangled, so it is helping out. I am very thankful for our pool membership and it will undoubtedly be a key component to my training routine.
I received a promotion at work, although it’s more of a right titling. I’ve pretty much been doing the work for the last year. I am thankful for it and it is nice to get one. It is my second in this company. I am not able to move to the home office so I have to take what I can get, however, I was granted the ability to switch teams which consists of a more technical focus. I am hoping I finally get to lean into the Engineer portion of my title finally and really build out my skills set. I’ve put a lot of work into getting better at what I do and it is paying off. Working from home is also pretty awesome too and I am glad I can continue the benefit.
Catch Up
We didn’t go to the first Scouting camp out on Saturday. We’ve had a lot of Scouting weekends and more coming up and I just needed to stay home and catch up here. I got a little flack for that from others but it needed to be done. My sink is leaking and I needed to fix that for good. I ended up tearing out the remaining pipe from my sink replacement and just redoing the entire thing. Everything under that sink’s been replaced at this point.
I’ve also been eating a lot of Indian food recently. A new restaurant opened up near us and the food is amazing. They have more items than I usually see on Indian menus so I am exploring there. The food is just absolutely jam packed with flavor and the proteins are very tender. I love lamb and they do a great job with it. My other go to is paneer or chana.
My diet is still going great. I am eating low GI (glycemic index) foods. I eat a ton of beans now so I am running the crock pot at least once a week to make a new mess of them. The best ones I’ve come across so far are pink Mexican beans. The best beans are in the Latino food aisle for sure. I usually dump a bag and do two large spoon fulls of Better than Boullion flavor. Sometimes I use chicken, sometimes chipotle, sometimes I mix in onion, they are all pretty good.