Labor Day Weekend – 2024

Labor Day Weekend – 2024

We celebrated our Labor Day Weekend and enjoyed a quiet weekend at home. Our original plans included going to Kings Island and one of the two pools we have access to before the end of the season. We’ve been on the run the last month and will be more coming up so we opted to stay home instead. There were, of course, children’s games and activities throughout the weekend to attend. Other than getting those items checked off the list we mostly chilled. I smoked some pork shoulder and brisket and cleaned the garage out. There’s not much yard work to do as it’s not rained in at least a month and the grass is a sickly brown. This is troubling and seems to denote that we are in some kind of drought.

This week I lunched with an old friend. He is still single and living at home. He spends most of his time riding his motorcycle around, playing frisbee golf, and hiking. It is unreal how different our lives are at this point. Our third friend who was unable to make it for our lunch has children but they are all grown, with the youngest on the way to college. It is funny how different paths our lives can take us, depending on when we meet that right person I suspect. One met theirs early, one late, and one maybe never. I find it more prudent not to judge others. All of us are on our own timelines and make our own priorities. What is really mind blowing, if you think about it, is that all of us on this earth have one thing in common, and that we are alive at this moment. A thousand years ago it could be said at that moment and day in time for those alive at that time, and it can be said again a thousand years from now. Every minute people are born and die. It really makes you think that maybe we should all be a little kinder to each other and live more in the moment.

We did make it to the Cincinnati Museum Center and saw the new exhibit “Advancing Health.” I learned a few new things from the exhibit about the body, particularly neural pathways. I am fascinated with the mind and how it works. I am optimistic about the direction the museum is going and encourage them on this path. They are slowly yet surely filling in their unused space with quality exhibits. It still has a ways to go but they are making progress, and that is well appreciated.

Advancing Health Exhibit - Cincinnati Museum Center
Advancing Health Exhibit – Cincinnati Museum Center
Advancing Health Exhibit - Cincinnati Museum Center
Advancing Health Exhibit – Cincinnati Museum Center