Christmas In The Smokies, Dollywood, Pigeon Forge
We had a whirlwind of a weekend trip to kick off my week of Christmas vacation. We left Friday night, but not until an emergency room visit. We literally had our bags packed when my oldest son accidentally cut himself and needed stitches. This pushed us back roughly 2.5 hours from our initial departure time. …
Christmas Parties, Freestore Foodbank, Smoked Tenderloin
Christmas Parties We spent the last week attending several Christmas parties. First off was a get together with my siblings. We spent most of a Saturday together talking and letting the kids play together. These events are different now that my mom passed away and I find myself thinking about her a lot during this …
Basketball, Kings Island Winterfest, NKY SWAT
Basketball Season Underway Ben is back playing basketball for his second season and it’s obvious that he’s improved. He’s always been a great passer and defender but his dribbling and shooting is getting better. I feel bad because we don’t have a basketball goal for him at home to practice on. Our driveway is too …
Thanksgivings, Dining Out, New Sink, Cincinnati Zoo, Scrum
Thanksgivings We finished our two Thanksgiving dinners this year and they were excellent. The food at my wife’s family’s house was very good. The food we made at our house for my side was tremendous! I smoked a turkey, two pork tenderloins, and a bunch of sausages. The meat temped perfectly which is the absolute …
Self Study Update November 2024
Most of my work this month involved working through Udemy’s “Complete Agile Scrum Master Certification Training”. This is a training course to prepare one to take the PSM – Professional Scrum Master Certification. This is the Ken Schwaber affiliated certification. I chose it because I’m tired of hearing the term scrum thrown about without really …
Violin Recital, Cub Scout Community Day, Dining Out, Basketball Season
Violin Recital Ted is playing the violin and I think he’s going to continue doing it. He got up in front of everybody and played with great confidence. He is learning about effort and how practice can build confidence. Leading up to the event he was doubtful and nervous, but sometimes a little too confident …
Cincinnati Museum Center, Holiday Trains, Dining Out
Cincinnati Museum Center and Holiday Trains We made it here to see the Holiday Christmas trains and exhibit. First off I noticed the toys in the museum changed. Many of these are from when I was a child. I saw a Playstation (important to note we did not call it Platystation One then), and of …
Cub Scout Halloween Party, Halloween, Election Day
Cub Scout Halloween Party This is one of our best parties of the year and it went off terrifically. Everyone had fun. The games were well thought out and appreciated by the youth. I’d say all kids dressed up and many parents. My son Ted won the “scariest costume” again, which is his third year …
Self Study Update October 2024
I am working really hard on updating my skills and getting ready for the next step in my career. There is so much to learn. I am finding though some payoff as some of the ideas I am being exposed to have immediate application to what I am doing professionally. There are instances though of …