

There is one piece of technology I’ve always admired, the Bat Computer. It is a database maintained by Bruce Wayne that he uses to investigate and carry out his vigilante activities. How he gets the information isn’t the most ethical, but it’s known he’s back-doored every other database available regardless of who maintains it, including those maintained by the government and financial institutions. I do not wish to undergo a hacking project. I instead want to build an app that simulates how the Bat Computer looks and sounds, but instead on a smaller scale. I find myself wanting a better note taking application, so I want to incorporate that into the app. I want it to capture input, view it, and update it. This is essentially what is called a CRUD app (Create, Read, Update, Delete). I’d first like to build it a web app that updates a simple text file, then upgrade it to a database back end, then perhaps a full fledged app side loaded onto an Android device.